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New carnation flower bouquet collection this month of August from Angeles City Flora

The reason why Carnations have become popular is because they come in numerous colors and each color of carnation has a different meaning such as Pink Carnations that means Mother’s love, Light red Carnations for Admiration, Dark red Carnations for Deep Love and Women’s Affection.

Angeles City Flora is an online flower shop in Angeles City that delivers fresh and well arranged flowers and gifts for all occasions like Valentine's, Mothers Day, Anniversary, Birthday and more. With satisfied customers, Angeles City Flora Flower Shop is one of the flower industries pioneers in terms of flower delivering service. We have variety of flowers and arrangements for you to choose from such as gerberas, rose, spring flowers, carnations, stargazer, lilies, sunflowers and also gifts collection like imported chocolate, ferrero chocolates, kisses chocolates, cadbury chocolates, hershes chocolates, Russell stover chocolates, toblerone chocolates, ferrero bouquet chocolates and Teddy Bears that may an add ons to suit your gift giving needs. So if you are looking to send flowers to your loved ones or gift for give away, Angeles City Flora is the one you need. Order online for your convenience.

Want to have a Carnation Bouquet for affordable price? Just go to angelescityflora.com for more Carnation Bouquets cravings.



Carnation Flower Bouquet 001

₱ 1638.00 ($ 31.34 )

Carnation’s meanings vary by color, but most commonly they relate to love and distinction.













Carnation Flower Bouquet 008

₱ 1636.00 ( $ 31.31 )

The overall meaning behind carnations is fascination, distinction, and love, so if you’re trying to impress your sweetheart, these could be a good option to go for.










Carnation Flower Bouquet 014

₱ 1559.00 ( $ 29.83 )

Carnations denote a show of confidence and thankfulness. These flowers are more gentle and low-key to the obvious red.












Carnation Flower Bouquet 009

₱ 1624.00 ( $ 31.08 )

Carnations is the epitome of uniqueness and fascination.