We are the number 1 flower shop in the whole Albay Area. We Deliver flower and chocolate bouquet in the whole Albay Area. We can deliver in different occasions like Valentines, Mother’s day, Birth Day, Anniversaries, Graduations, Inauguration, and Funeral. Using the same technology. We are able to deliver flower bouquets in the area of Legazpi, Bacaycay, Camalig, Daraga, Guinobatan, Jovellar, Libon, Ligao, Malilipot, Malinao, Manito, Oas, Pio Duran, Polangui, Rapu-rapu, Santo Domingo, Tabaco, and Tiwi area. We have a handful of expert florist who will ensure you that your loved ones will receive beautiful floral bouquet.


Mother`s Day Flower Delivery in Abay

Mother`s Day is a day when every child celebrates it especially for their mothers. It is celebrated annually as an important event of the year on second Sunday of the may month. Whether you have a lovely mother or a fantastic grandma or step-mother, on Mother`s Day you will probably surprise her with flowers. I give you lovely flower ideas for the loveliest mothers. albayflora.com is more than happy to give you the prettiest, most surprising and funniest flower gift tips. With flowers, you can tell your mother precisely what she means to you. If you make a cheerful bouquet from her favourite flower, then you must visite albayflora.com, it will become a very special and personal gift. If you don`t get the chance to spend time together often, then why not plan a 24 hours of Mother`s Day.

If you are wondering what colors roses for mom are best, stick with a pink rose bouquet. But mixed rose bouquets are very popular for Mother`s Day flower delivery too. albayflora.com featured here best selling Mother`s Day flower bouquets every year of you need recommendations.

Payment Method: Dragonpay, paypal, bank transfer (BDO, BPI, Chinabank, Eastwest, Landbank, PNB, Metrobank, RCBC, UCPB, SecurityBank, RobinsonsBank) and money transfer (Mlhuillier, Cebuana Lhuillier)

Delivery Fee: Depends on the location.
Nationwide Delivery: Yes.

Same Day Delivery? In Metro Manila only.
Shop Info/Contact Details: https://www.albayflora.com, Address: 2e Patricia Bldg, 1050 Edsa Magallanes, Makati City, Metro Manila, Philippines 1232

Email: info@flowerdeliveryinphilippines.com, Mobile: +63915-771-7945/ 02-8545337
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/Albayflora/